Happy 2015! I welcome you to the new Jen Loves Hip Hop site, have a look around! I have decided to leave the old blogger style site at the old address jenloveshiphop.blogspot.com and not carry any of the old material over, at least for now. I'd like to start fresh and I'm REALLY excited about the new layout. I've been wanting to do this for a long time now, so how is the start of a new year for inspiration? They really are starting to go quick, which is what happens when you get old I guess. The time just speeds up....
Anyway, I will be using this blog as an open communication board, with my thoughts and opinions that aren't hashed out into full fledged articles. Speaking of articles, yes there will be more of that too! And not just reviews but features. I am SO excited about the one I am working on now and I can't wait to share it with you, it might blow some of your minds! (no really!)
If you're new to Jen Loves Hip Hop, extra special welcome! Thanks for your interest. I have been doing this Sydney gig guide thing for more than 2 years now and I have finally decided to expand into other cities. That's where I need YOUR help though, since I'm not there to scope out all the best events, the more information you send me, the better resource this will be for everyone. So the newest feature you will find is SUBMIT A GIG in the Connect section. I look forward to hearing from you!
Also don't be afraid to say hi either on the comments here, or through the email submit. You can even comment on all the events that are listed to tell me which ones you're most excited about. Technology! haha
That's all for now but there's big things coming soon, so keep in touch! Oh and give my facebook page a like for immediate updates.
oh yes and if you don't know I also do a spoken gig guide for the hip hop show Hardcore Classic Friday nights 8-10pm in Sydney 107.3 or hardcoreclassic.com There's a live chat at that site when the show is on, some come say hi!