Spaceport 2

And so and so it goes... by Jen Love

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Hey guys! Thanks for sticking with me for so long without an update. As always I've been working hard behind the scenes to bring you the most up to date gig guide possible! I couldn't do it without your help though so keep those gigs coming through, either through the email link in the connect button or via facebook invites. Don't forget you can submit gigs from any area now so don't be shy! 

Most of my focus has been on one gig at the moment though... refer to above photo!! This is the first gig I am promoting myself and it has been such a fun ride so far sorting it all out. Couldn't be done without my co-hort Dave (Spectacles). Basically what we are trying to do is cultivate a creative artistic community of like minded Hip Hop loving people to come together sans ego and just do what they do best. Create! Live! Connect! 

There used to be this warehouse space called Spaceport in Marrickville a couple of years back now. They had monthly Hip Hop nights there and it was the most amazing vibe and community I have yet experienced. The people there, especially Matt and Steph helped to create such an amazing vibe that people felt right at home. It was like hanging out in a lounge room with your mates. Better than that even cause there were so many new people to meet as well, all on that same tip. 

When I was contacted by Dave to help organise a Hip Hop room for Rock the Gate several months ago, he mentioned Steph from Spaceport and I was sold. It was then that the idea sparked to turn this into a more regular thing. I have to shout out Ash (Mighty Ash) as the one who first suggested it though! 

And so it goes... the gig is now less than 2 weeks away and I feel like I have so much to do! I'm meant to be putting up in depth artist bios/ interviews. Oh were has the time gone?  Anyway the gig has this nostalgic tinge to it in more than one way. Firstly the Spaceport connect, and then there's the Gaelic Club connect. Everyone that I've told so far as said, The Gaelic Club is doing live shows again?? Oh yes they are! Although it's not the same club that you remember.  It's upstairs and it's a club- club- as in an Irish club. As in an amazing chilled out room with couches everywhere, a cool smoking balcony, an actual GREEN green room with a pool table. So many quirks and awesome things to discover.  I think it's as close to Spaceport feels as we are going to get from a venue without being in an actual warehouse. Oh yeah, also, NO LOCKOUTS 24 hours license. Hmmm what!!!? haha!

And then the OTHER piece to the nostalgia is TWO TOES!! They have only done one other show since 2008!! It's the mountains crew, and you must know about the Blue Mountains people... WAY more talent than should legally be allowed to come from one town. No I am STOKED about the line up!! Two Toes at the moment is Joe New rappin, Caustic Yoda on production and percussion, and Waza playing bass and then usually DJ Cost on the decks. It is gunna be MAD CRAZY. I was blown away when I saw them before so I guarantee you will not be disappointed! You know what's also crazy cool?  One of the young guys also from the mountains that I met on the night I saw Two Toes was El' Jistos.. he was basically the biggest Two Toes fan ever!! He gave me his mixtape that night and how it all turned out is that he is on support. So what awesome crazy energy that will be!

In the middle we've got Sarah Connor and Yum Yum... two names that you could NOT have missed lately. And then DJ Jimmy New tying it all together on the ones and two for the night. 

Throw in some YUMMY food, Live art, and visuals that tie in to all sets and DAMN you won't ever wanna leave!!

Alright alright I'm just rambling, but YES COME ON DOWN!!! 

April 10th, Gaelic Club Surry Hills.  
So it's 1 minute walk from Central Station. Go to Surry Hills side, walk straight up Devonshire St till you see the green doors for the Irish Club on the left. Two flights of stairs (or the lift) and then you won't need to leave for the WHOLE night... did I mention cheapest drinks in the city?!