new music Sydney

Jen Love

Get your a** to the show! P-Smurf LOCK OUTLAWS New Music Sydney December 2017 by Jen Love


Newtown representative P Smurf is back like he never left.  With two mixtapes, an EP, and a 7” under his belt so far he is now tackling his first solo album ‘Playing the Blues’ due out in April 2018.  This second single 'Lock Outlaws' addresses the major problem facing Sydney city and inner west suburb Newtown- lockout laws are killing the nightlife and the live music scene. The casino is cashing in and everyone is too busy getting fuckedup to pay attention to the fact that we are losing our culture.

I don’t mind the Latin flavour beat, and the chorus is definitely catchy.  Only issue I have is the non-stop double time rapping makes it a little bit hard to follow, so it takes a few listens to catch all the fantastic lines he’s spouting.  A change up in flow could really bring some of those points home.


Overall I’m a fan of the man, and great vid.


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<3 Jen



PS are those the dancers from the Thundamentals ‘Paint the Town Red’ video?  And Smurf wearing a suit jacket?  This is something I’ve never seen it IRL before!